Hi, for those who had previously been to this page, well, there is now a little alteration, cos I am no longer new to this cyberworld, and this website is also about 1 year old...wow!

Before you read on, this is just a notice to those who have been here before, I have added a Chinese section of this page at the bottom of this page, but of a different content. Chinese surfers are now able to read them using Simplified Chinese (HZ). :)

My hobbies

  • Arts and Crafts
  • Reading
  • Collecting things
  • Using the internet

    Arts and crafts

    This is my favourite section. In my immediate social circle, I can find few people who share this particular love for arts and crafts. It may be ambiguous as to what this may include. So, I've decided to create my own site on them.

    1. Papertole

      The best craft I've ever known! This is actually a kind of 3D art, with a picture formed by building up fragments, and hence creating a 3D overall effect. The procedure may be quite tedious, but the ultimate satisfaction is unequalled.

    2. Needlework

      An all-time love. So far, there are many different forms of this type of craft, especially since it existed for so long. Yet, needlework like knitting, crocheting, applique, crossstitching, quilting and others are very common around the world. However, this hobby requires much patience.

    3. Others

      It is very hard to group my other interests as they varied widely and are not specific. They include making cards for friends, decorating photo albums, making small ornaments, origami and many others... soon I'll add some links to sites which I think can enlighten those who wanted to know more. Do watch out for it!


    Actually, I think this will bore you... :D...but still I believed there will be minorites. The range of books that I read varies...here's a few...

    1. Thriller

      I loved books by Colin Forbes. I think they are simply great. His later ones surround a SIS agent call Tweed with his group of partners, Paula, Monica, Bob Newman, Marler, Butler, Philips and some others. The storyline always revolve secret missions and spies, and each book is staged into a different country. Each time I read one of his books, I'll be virtually entering his story! Those interested can always check it out. You will find that I'm right... :)

      His best works are By Stealth, Greekpower, Fury, Power, Crossfire, Whirlpool, and lots of the later ones!

    2. Suspense

      The next one is not that thrilling actually, but Agatha Christie's kind of book is rather old-fashioned, with this special appeal to me. Once again, it allows me to activate my imagination, and in this case, to explore the world of the early British life.

      Well, I have already finished more than half of her 80 odd books!

    3. Saga

      It is hard to explain why I love this type of book...but one thing is certain. They always let me feel touched...the plots are always woven in a very complex manner, and the main characters are always strong personalities who can deal with their problems with great grace. In other words, they just apppeal to my compassion.Anyway, my favourite authors of this kind of books are Jeffrey Archer and John Irving.

      My favourite of Jeffrey Archer is As the Crow Flies. Kane and Abel, and The Prodigal Daughter are good too! As for John Irving, I love The Cider House Rules, Hotel New Hampshire, The World According To Garp, A Prayer for Owen Meany!

    4. Others

      Well, novels and other storybased books are not the only types I read. Other interesting ones will be newspaper forums, magazines, and textbased books on computers, history, and so on....

    Collecting things

    My collections are not a lot, but they ranged widely.

    1. Stamps

    2. Stickers


    4. Songlyrics

    5. Cards

    Using the Internet

    I think this is more likely to attract you! Otherwise, you won't even be looking at this page now. :> So, what do I like about the internet?

    1. Check out the collection of websites I had done:
      i. [Megadolen's home on the Web]
      ii. [Bukit Batok Youth Group Website]
    2. The virtual pets especially the postpet! Check out my Jupiter's page okay?

    3. The ICQ - Download your ICQ at http://www.mirabilis.com
    4. If you are interested in knowing penpals: Penpals for Peace
    Watch out for more updates!!! =)

    ~{`K~}! ~{2;V*5@~}為~{J2C4~}, 許~{6`V.G0~}寫~{5D~}東~{Nw6<~!uamp;#35722;~!uIR;P)?42;6.5DWVD8~!u~}~~{!ur4K~!u~}~~{!uRR2VXPB~!uamp;#36617~}; ~{~{TY~}寫過~{AK~}這~{R;6N~}. ~{O`PE~}這~{;X~}憶應該沒~{J2~}麼問題~{AK0I~}!


    ~{4s~}學~{Iz;n~}還~{Kc2;~}錯, ~{V;JGNR~}實~{TZJGOkDnDG~}種~{SP~}個~{9L6(5D0`~}級~{5D8P~}覺. ~{SIl6~}現~{TZJGTZ~} Faculty of Arts and Social Science, ~{NR~}們~{6&amp;amp;lt;~!uamp;#27794;~!uPR;~!uamp;#20491;~!uL6(5D0`~!uamp;#36554;,~}&~{amp;#21083;&amp;amp;amp;#38283;~!u&amp;amp;lt;~}時,~{R2~} 會覺~{5CSPR;~}點~{Ff9V~}, ~{5+R;GPR2RQ~}經~{B}B}~}習慣~{AK~}. ~{2;9\Tu~}麼樣, 這~{R2V;JG~}個開~{J&amp;amp;lt;~!uamp;#32631;~!uK~~}} ~{!!~}~{~{R;~}個學~{FZR2~}剛剛過~{H%~}, ~{Q[G0~}還~{SP~}兩~{Dj6`DX~}...


    ~{NR5DJH:C:C6`:C6`0!#!0|@(AKPmPm6`6`SkJV9$SP9X5D6+Nw@2#,~} ~{?4Ji@2#,~} ~{IOMx@2#,P4PE@2#,~} ~{SJ&amp;amp;amp;lt;/@2#,~!!~}~{~{;9SPL+6`AK#!TZUb@o#,~} ~{NR?4NR2;Ok6`=bJMAK#,DcCG?IRTTZNR5D~}English Section ~{UR5=UbP)#!~}

    Okay! That will be all for this newly added Chinese section of my "About me" page! Did you enjoy reading? =)

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    With courtesy from Brittany

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