What my 402 classmates say...

This is what I extract from my guestbook...


well... tears almost came out from my eyes when i saw the photos.. remembering the good times we had in school.. and especially the last teacher's day... where we enjoyed ourselves so much... everyone was smiling in the photo.. it is that kind where we smile from the bottom of our heart... as we knew that it would be our last celebration for teacher's day.... i treasured the times we have in school...esp in secondary.. but seems like we will never get back to those days again...things will no longer be the same....


ya...i agree...i love the times we had... when i looked at my own photo album....i keep thinking bout the times...in 302 n 402.. i love BP. never regreted going to BP~~~ YEAH~ YEAH~ i hope that everyone enjoyed themselves during those 2 years :p :-)


looking at those photos really brings back memories...... come to think of it, wouldn't it be great if we can take photos in the exact positions where we stood when we took our 302 and teacher's day photos? (errr.... exclusive of seema, perhaps? I can never forget her for asking all the girls to wear hairbands the way she did..... and her boring ...what u call that.... moral education lessons...and how she was so fed up with us that she gave up on us and made Mr Salim teach us instead....ha..ha..ha..i'm so glad that she gave up on us!) Anyway, does anyone knows what has happened to all the negatives for the 302 interclass sports day and er... can't recall the others. The negatives have been missing in action for a long time...SOME KIND SOUL....if u happen to be in possession of them, please make yourself known cos' i think everyone from the class will want at least a few photos that bring back so much fond memories....PLEASE HELP!


Hee! Never thought my photo will appear on the net. Anyway, I like the 402 page and the music Sukiyaki. It's one of the first few pieces I learn to play on the harmonica. Excellent effort and I look forward to visiting your site again for more photos and cartoons. :p

Comments about our gathering on the 1st May 1999, Labour day


It seems that those who went to the outing enjoyed themselves...right??
at least i did...
i was a little sian when i heard that most of the pple can't make it...
well..it was a surprise when actually...
some did turn up..
even though the number was small to be considered a class gathering but then i was very impressed already

we went to marina south for the steamboat...and then walked to the Benjamin Sheres bridge..
then to Millenia Walk...it was really an exctiing trip...
something that i really enjoyed during these few mmonths..
It was great..!!!!
really great ..i can say again..
for those who missed the outing...
soo sad..

Jieting (Me):

Yes I agree that it was one of those memorable gatherings again.
Despite the fact that few people turn up, I believe the rest of us still enjoyed ourselves very much, and especially for those of us who initiated the outing, it serves as a big morale booster!

Certainly, those places that we discovered on this day will bring back our fond memories somewhere in the near future. Remember our date for the next labour day? Will it still be that windy at Millenia walk?

Go back to My Secondary 4 Class, 402

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